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What is IFR Flight Planning?

An introduction to IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) flight planning

Instrument Flight Rules or IFR is very important when flying under certain conditions, generally, IFR flight planning is needed when conditions are unfavorable. When visibility is low, heavy clouds, rain or snow is present IFR flight planning comes to the forefront. A general rule of thumb is this, if a pilot needs more than his or her eyes to navigate to the destination IFR flight planning is needed. Onboard safety is key, so the onboard tools are utilized for their full benefit during periods of difficult flying conditions.

What is IFR flight planning and how important is it?

These are just two of the questions that many people wonder when looking at the complexities of flight planning and all it involves. IFR (instrument flight rules) refers to any flight that undertakes the need for instruments to assist the pilot in navigating the craft safely to its destination. IFR flight planning is used in situations where it is known that a flight will be undertaken in certain situations where navigation is impossible to successfully undertake using the senses alone. Visual flight rules are not always enough to ensure that a journey can be made successfully; this can be due to weather conditions.




IFR flight planning and VFR compared

IFR flights need a pilot to have undergone intensive training for the complex tools to be used for the best results. VFR flights use a pilot's sight and hearing for them to navigate and the rules of VFR are rather simpler than those of IFR and pilots can make their own decisions regarding speed and bearing with more ease than a pilot who is flying under IFR. VFR flying allows the utilisation of the outside environment in decision-making, the position of the horizon for instance can tell a pilot a lot about the height and course of their craft. IFR flight planning is all the more important when we consider this, the craft and the pilot are relying on relayed information at almost all times. There is little room for maneuver of rules during IFR flight whereas VFR flight allows a pilot to choose to use instruments as and when they see appropriate. Of course, no matter what rules are being used, the fact remains the same the flight plan is there to ensure that the best routes are taken in the most cost-effective and risk-free fashion. IFR Flight planning requires careful weather predictions but still, a pilot flying under the rules of IFR needs to be constantly aware of changes in weather and temperature as well as many other factors, this is why reliable and careful flight plans are so important to the safety of all concerned.

IFR flight planning and obstacles

No matter what the weather, within reason a flight which is taken under IFR rules is more or less always able to continue, even through cloud. There needs to be no minimum visibility as the instruments on board can effectively see for the pilot. When an aircraft is in flight, one of the most important aspects of good IFR flight planning is taking into account the possibility of other craft in the airways. Planning needs to be extremely accurate as miscalculations can lead to disaster about the necessary space needed to make the chosen route a successful and safe one. IFR flight planning takes all imaginable situations into account and attempts to ensure that the minimum risks are taken on any flight.

IFR Flight Planning: What does it involve?

IFR (instrument flight rules) flight planning is an important factor for pilots who fly under certain conditions. When an aircraft undertakes a journey that necessitates the use of certain onboard equipment there are stringent rules to which the flight plan must adhere. When instrument metrological conditions apply, IFR flight planning is needed; instrument meteorological conditions denote the kind of weather conditions whereby pilots need to use a set of instruments by which to navigate. Usually, IFR flight planning is a very useful tool when weather conditions are unfavorable, and reduced visibility can make a simple or short journey into another thing altogether, when clouds are heavy or obscuring, then a pilot needs more than his or her eyes and ears to successfully navigate the journey. Rain, snow, high winds, and clouds can all reduce not only visibility but also stability and it is in these cases where aircraft onboard tools can make a huge difference to the safety of all concerned.

IFR flight planning and potential obstacles

The skills of a good pilot are incredibly important when it comes to navigating a craft; the ability to use the landscape outside the aircraft as a way to steer a course is a large part of ensuring the safety of all on board. During bad weather, however, this visual skill is not as reliable so on-board tools can be extremely useful in working out the height of an aircraft even when the pilot cannot see a horizon. The best IFR flight planning will always take into account any natural features of any particular route that may pose a hazard or risk during times of poor visibility, by plotting routes that take mountains for instance into account, aircraft safety is more or less guaranteed even in very bad weather. Pilots undertake rigorous preparation and training for IFR flight planning as the various aspects of it are complex. As flight planning maintains specific formulae that have been carefully calculated, aircraft can usually undertake journeys under a variety of potentially awkward circumstances and still almost guarantee the safety of the craft no matter how bad the weather.


As a good flight planning service is so important to safety, pilots should utilize the very best available. As computer technology improves almost annually on a massive scale, so flight planning systems become ever more sophisticated. The safety of the craft, the passengers, and the pilot is the main concern and outside factors must not be allowed to compromise this; a comprehensive flight plan will take into account all potential risks and unexpected occurrences and it is worth investing in the best available. The weather, landscape, and fate may all conspire to put flights in awkward positions but risk minimization is possible thanks to the sophisticated calculations that computer plans are now able to create. As air traffic has increased so steadily over the years, technology has advanced in tandem and now even the longest and most difficult flights are as safe as the shortest thanks to planning.

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